
How to Plot Land Title Boundary Using AutoCAD

How to Plot Land Title Boundary Using AutoCAD (2019) 1. Open your AutoCAD. 2. Type DDUNITS to open the Drawing Units. 3. Change the units with the values below 4. At the Direction, choose your desired direction 5. Pick a point to start the line or polyline      Example: N 12 DEG. 25'E, 8180 mm                    S 78 DEG. 41'E, 5350 mm                     S 14 DEG. 41'W, 22080 mm                     N 75 DEG. 28'W, 4480 mm                     N 12 DEG. 25'E, 13610 mm (to the point of start)      Should input like this:                    @8180< N12d25'E                    @5350<S78d41'E     ...

How to Apply for Comprehensive Exam in PUP (2019)

1. Download the form from the PUP website.     The form should look like this: 2. Fill up the Comprehensive Exam Form. 3. Fill up the updated Program of Studies (Curriculum Sheet) 4. Qualified to take the comprehensive examination are those who have completed ALL academic course requirements of the program or those who are completing them on that semester. 5. For those who are just just completing on that semester, make sure to secure a copy of your grades from your SIS account.  6. After filling up and completing your requirements, go to the cashier (GS or Main Building) and pay for Php150.00 and secure the O.R.  7. Before submitting all the requirements, make sure you have a clearance from the GS library and Accounting Office(Main building). 8. Give it to the faculty officers and don't forget to to sign in the logbook.  NOTE:  Only those with complete academic and non-academic credential/require...